Member Since
PEA Association Office

LaShay Lozano
PEA Coordinator
Leading the way to new business
The Peninsula Executives Association was founded in 1978 by leading business and professional people in the San Francisco Bay Area for the purpose of exchanging business and information leading to business between members through networking, educational meetings or sessions, and special programs and events.
PEA Events
Thursday morning meetings
We meet each Thursday morning for a program that includes detailed educational or informative presentations about member businesses, trends or related topics, and a chance to exchange leads and the opportunity for all in attendance to introduce themselves and say a word about their business activities since the last meeting.
Open houses and social events
Members also host periodic open houses. This gives the rest of the members and guests a chance to see their natural habitat and gain a better understanding of their businesses, which leads to more effective referrals, and also better business operations or processes within the membership through this sharing of best practices. The occasional social event (San Jose Sharks hockey, holiday party, picnic) encourages interaction and makes the group more cohesive.
PEA Membership
We are a group of business owners and operators from a wide variety of backgrounds. A fundamental rule of the group is that there can be only one member per business classification. This encourages cooperation, avoids competition and results in a group that includes everything from an Accountant to a Web Designer (still looking for someone to fill the Zoologist classification) and many businesses in between. See the full member list. Our weekly meetings take place via the Zoom video conference service, and our members have locations up and down the greater San Francisco Peninsula.
117 Bernal Rd., Suite 70-622, San Jose, CA 95119
(650) 200-3030